The German Barcode Of Life initiative (GBOL) sets up a reference library of DNA Barcodes for the german fauna, flora und fungi. Funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research, the initiative achieves its goals in consecutive project phases since 2011.

GBOL III: Dark Taxa
GBOL III: Dark Taxa will address a range of questions related to the “Dark Taxa”, in particular Diptera (flies & midges) & parasitoid Hymenoptera (parasitoid wasps). Beside the study of these taxa and the training of a new generation of taxonomists the major aim is to fill in gaps in the DNA barcode reverence library.

The Caucasian Barcode of Life CaBOL-Project aims to catalogue numerous animal and plant species of the Caucasus. The Caucasus region is one of our planet’s biodiversity hotspots. Based on the experiences of GBOL, CaBOL will establish a DNA barcode reference database made publicly available.